Saturday, December 11, 2010

Youth Sleepover

I've had a blast this weekend! The high schoolers in our youth group had a sleepover at the Stultz's house. No worries, we slept in completely different houses! We did some pretty disgusting things. xD

To start the night off, we had spaghetti and garlic bread. Yum! After supper, the girls had to pull the boys apart from a death grip. I think we did it in 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Those boys are so strong! After that test of strength, we had the choice to have a spitting contest... with crickets! Michelle won. That cricket flew across the kitchen! We also played a few games of endurance, speed, aim, dramatic and artistic skill.

I had the wonderful opportunity to make a bubblegum sculpture out of all of the girls' gum. Ewwww! I pushed the thought that my hands were covered in spit into the back of my head and made a bunny. The boys made Jabba the Hutt. I have no clue who won.

Finally, we played several rounds of Mafia with the addition of Mrs. Nesbitt as the medic. It was very fun and very challenging. I was part of the Mafia twice, the Sheriff once, and a townsperson twice. I think I have become much better at this game.

I still don't understand why people kept killing me. It's pretty entertaining, though. To clarify, this was all to describe a game. Nobody was actually hurt in the making of this blog entry.

Last night, after the boys had gone to a separate house, the girls turned on a chick flick, waxed our hands and feet, and fell asleep nice and calmly. I enjoyed it so much. We got to bond as a youth group more.

In the morning, we played some more interesting games and quite a few rounds of Mafia again. In all, it was a wonderful weekend! Thank you Jamie and Elizabeth!

God bless you all!


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